Nominations for 27th Mahaveer Awards is closed
The award is given to inspire people to follow the principles of Bhagwan Mahaveer who preached Ahimsa and Nonviolence 2600 years ago. Ahimsa Paramo Dharma" is the cardinal principle that entails reverence for all life and precludes deliberate killing or injuring any living organism. One should not hurt any living being, small or big, intentionally or by negligence.
The aim is to encourage all to be a “Ahimsak”, that is, one who abhors and avoids violence in any form or manner.
The award for excellence in human endeavour in the field of Non-Violence and Vegetarianism is given to one who practises and spreads the humane message of Non-violence and Vegetarianism.
The activities of the nominee may include the following:
The awardee is given a cash award of Rs.10 lakhs, a citation and a memento.
Award | Year | Awardees |
27th | 2024 | Radha Surabhi GauSeva Trust, Radha Kund, Uttar Pradesh |
26th | 2023 | Dhyan Foundation, New Delhi |
25th | 2022 | People for Animals, Sirohi, Rajasthan |
24th | 2022 | Shri Jasraj Shrishrimal, Hyderabad, Telangana |
23rd | 2021 | Baba Palla Singh Goushala, Baba Bakala Town, Punjab |
22nd | 2021 | Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations, New Delhi |
21st | 2018 | Dr. Shiranee Pereira, People for Animals, Chennai, Tamil Nadu |
20th | 2017 | Animal Aid Charitable Trust, Udaipur, Rajasthan |
19th | 2016 | Compassion Unlimited Plus Action, Bangalore Karnataka |
18th | 2015 | Visakha Society for Protection and Care of Animals, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh |
17th | 2015 | Blue Cross of India, Chennai, Tamil Nadu |
16th | 2013 | Sri Mohammad Shafique Khan, Sagar, Madhya Pradesh |
15th | 2012 | Sri Chiranjee Lal Bagra, Kolkata, West Bengal |
14th | 2011 | Sri Dayananda Swamiji ,Bangalore, Karnataka |
12th | 2008 | Action for Protection of Wild Animals, Hatapatana, Orissa |
11th | 2008 | Sri Bharat Amritlal Kothari, Rajpur, Gujarat |
9th | 2005 | Sri Siddharaj Dhaddha, Chaura Rasta, Jaipur,Rajasthan |
7th | 2003 | Late Dr. Nemichand Jain, Indore, Madhya Pradesh |
6th | 2000 | Dr. Kalyan Motilal Gangwal, Pune, Maharashtra |
5th | 1999 | Smt. Maneka Gandhi, People for Animals,New Delhi |
4th | 1998 | Sadhu Vaswani Mission, Pune, Maharashtra |
3th | 1997 | Sri Ratanlal C Bafna, Jalgaon, Maharashtra |
2nd | 1996 | Sri S Jagannathan & Smt. Krishnammal Jagannathan Gandhigram, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu |